Wednesday, 14 September 2016

An introduction to tools for social media research - full programme & abstracts now available

We have now put together our full programme for our 11th October conference - 'An introduction to tools for social media research'. You can see the schedule below, and we have also uploaded full abstracts here.

If you'd like to attend, please visit the SRA event page to register. Tickets are £95 for SRA members, and £115 for non-members.

Registration & coffee (9.30 – 10.00)
Welcome from Chair (10.00-10.15)
Session 1 - Free tools for social media analysis (10.15 – 11.15)
  • Critically engaging with social media research tools - Steven McDermot
  • Introduction to NodeXL - Wasim Ahmed
Coffee break (11.15 – 11.30)
Session 2 - Developing tools for social media analysis (11.30 – 12.30)
  • Democratising access to social media data – the Collaborative Online Social Media ObServatory (COSMOS) - Luke Sloan
  • Doing social media analytics with Chorus - Phillip Brooker
Lunch (12.30 – 13.30)
Session 3 - Qualitative social media analysis (13.30 – 14.30)
  • Using Facebook as a research tool - Gillian Mooney
  • Developing inclusive and accessible digital methods: engaging critically with your digital toolbox - Sarah Lewthwaite
Tea break (14.45 – 15.00)
Session 4 - Image analysis (15.00 – 16.00)
  • Mapping the visual DNA of a brand in social media - Francesco D’Orazio
  • How to use R and QGIS to find out tourism hotspots in cities - Yeran Sun
Closing remarks (16.00 – 16.15)