Thursday, 30 August 2012

Policy, practice and new social media tweetchat - transcript

We ran our second tweetchat yesterday on whether new social media can make an impact on policy and practice. We had a good discussion with some great points and resources being shared. You can see the entire transcript from the tweetchat after the jump.

From UserTweetTime
NSMNSSAnd we'll see you at September's chat where we'll focus on the challenge of NSM for quantitative methods  #NSMNSS17:01
NSMNSSThanks! We'll post up the transcript here #NSMNSS17:00
einterview#NSMNSS thanks, til next time!17:00
einterview#NSMNSS A.4 Sounds like we need to define "quality" and help e-researchers attain it!17:00
jess1ecatBye everyone, great chat, looking forward to seeing you next month, we'll be talking quant NSM methods in Sept. Take care. #NSMNSS16:59
L_C_HolmesThanks everyone who shared thoughts and links, Lucy Holmes, charity researcher. #nsmnss16:59
csnelsonbsu#NSMNSS Thanks for the great chat. Chareen Snelson from Boise State EDTECH.16:58
NSMNSSWe're also really keen to hear about any examples of NSM effecting policy, so send them on if you come across them and we'll share  #NSMNSS16:57
NSMNSSWe're going to wrap up now, thanks everyone! Take a moment to reintroduce yourself and leave a last comment  #NSMNSS16:57
SocialWorkKent#NSMNSS...2/2 measures are still developing.16:55
SocialWorkKent#NSMNSS A.4 I think these are interesting times as this area is still new and therefore development of methodologies and quality ..1/216:55
L_C_HolmesA4: My key concern would be that researchers take care to account for the self-selection of their study subjects. #nsmnss16:54
iamandyscottA4. Quality is key to getting gov agencies/depts on side, especially for anything around impact / evaluation. #NSMNSS16:53
L_C_HolmesA4: I suspect NSM is most useful for exploring social representations of self, and certain behaviours (eg supporting charities).. #nsmnss16:53
SocialWorkKent@jess1ecat #nsmnss yes I can see that could be an issue but reveals the concept of information being power and the control of that power16:53
L_C_HolmesA4: I would be interested to know how the public nature of NSM affects people's posts - are they more affected by social norms? #nsmnss16:52
einterview#NSMNSS concerns: credibility of participants, representation of diversity in population/sample16:51
jess1ecatA4. I think quality and robustness should be concerns and we should be able to address these. #NSMNSS16:50
jess1ecat@SocialWorkKent great stuff, trailblazer :), our problem is that sometimes research funders don't encourage it. #NSMNSS16:50
csnelsonbsu#NSMNSS Finding great examples of solid methodology for new media research in education has been a bit of challenge.16:49
L_C_HolmesA4 Maybe not a concern, but we're very aware of ethical issues around NSM, in particular the importance of dealing with disclosure. #nsmnss16:48
SocialWorkKent@jess1ecat #NSMNSS totally agree, I dislike hierarchical structures and feel SM can break these down.  I have put all my research on my blog16:48
L_C_HolmesA3: As a slight aside, if you want to get practitioners (and their clients) interested, NSM is a great way to share your findings. #nsmnss16:47
SocialWorkKent@NSMNSS #NSMNSS  2/2 through which to see my practice.  There are some amazing bloggers on twitter in the field of Social Work.16:47
SocialWorkKent@NSMNSS #NSMNSS Social Work has an emphasis on reflective practice and the work of my fellow students and practitioners provide new lens 1/216:46
NSMNSSQ4. What concerns do stakeholders in policy and practice have about these new methods? #NSMNSS16:46
NSMNSSOne last question for everyone! #NSMNSS16:46
NSMNSS@AndyW1509 no problem! thanks for coming along #NSMNSS16:45
AndyW1509#NSMNSS sorry gotta go five year old needs feeding!16:45
einterview#NSMNSS Social media posts- learn about potential res. problems/policy needs: we see emerging concerns, issues16:44
G_MorrellA3 - interesting thing for me: what do Twitter (and other ISPs) think about engaging and informing policy/practice? Missing voice... #nsmnss16:43
jess1ecatA3. I'd like to see researchers sharing findings more on soc media to give practitioners a chance to engage with them. #NSMNSS16:43
NSMNSS@SocialWorkKent in what ways do they affect your practice? #NSMNSS16:43
jess1ecat@einterview me too, really glad we have tweeps from research, policy and practice here today. #NSMNSS16:41
EmUprichardRT @NatCen: Interesting tweetchat at #NSMNSS Question under discussion: 'How can we engage policy & practice with social media's use ...16:39
SocialWorkKent#NSMNSS A.3 as a Social Work student I know that areas of NM affect my practice from blogs to tweets.16:38
TradeEthicallyRT @SocialWorkKent: @csnelsonbsu #NSMNSS exactly my Uni hasn't currently and therefore am guided by reading articles on ethics of NM res ...16:38
TradeEthicallyRT @jess1ecat: Sorry this is the blogspot link to the key existing ethics guidelines on our blog  #NSMNSS16:38
TradeEthicallyRT @csnelsonbsu: Many thanks for this. Key existing ethics guidelines  #NSMNSS16:38
EmUprichardRT @jess1ecat: Or not sorry folks    the link is . #NSMNSS16:38
einterview#NSMNSS A2. Excited about chance thru NSMNSS to learn across boundaries16:36
jess1ecatOr not sorry folks    the link is . #NSMNSS16:36
L_C_HolmesA3: Practitioners are fascinated by NSM. We use it to engage, but don't analyse. Help us do that and we'll help effect change. #nsmnss16:35
csnelsonbsuMany thanks for this. Key existing ethics guidelines  #NSMNSS16:35
jess1ecatSorry this is the blogspot link to the key existing ethics guidelines on our blog  #NSMNSS16:35
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: Q.3 Is there an appetite for using this data among policy-makers & practitioners? If not, why not? #NSMNSS16:34
jess1ecatRT @SocialWorkKent: @csnelsonbsu we've linked to the key existing ethics guidelines on our blog  #NSMNSS16:34
NSMNSSQ.3 Is there an appetite for using this data among policy-makers & practitioners? If not, why not? #NSMNSS16:33
NSMNSSThanks for all the comments so far, the next question we have is… #NSMNSS16:33
einterview#NSMNSS A2. Excited about inter- cross-disciplinary learning from ea. other-creating findings that are more useful. Usual research=silos16:32
jess1ecat@L_C_Holmes great way to share knoweldge I'm sure charities are way ahead of researchers in digital engagement! #NSMNSS16:32
rachelormstonVarious prof orgs have published codes of conduct for internet research - e.g. MRS, BPS. But tend to date quite quickly. #NSMNSS16:32
SocialWorkKent@L_C_Holmes #NSMNSS I shall dig some out later but there is a general discussion in the Netnography book.16:32
SocialWorkKent@csnelsonbsu #NSMNSS exactly my Uni hasn't currently and therefore am guided by reading articles on ethics of NM research16:31
mlalandaRT @mossford10: Can new social media research make an impact on policy & practice? Join our tweetchat by following #NSMNSS or login  ...16:31
NatCenInteresting tweetchat at #NSMNSS Question under discussion: 'How can we engage policy & practice with social media's use in research?'16:30
L_C_HolmesAbsolutely @jess1ecat. Charities like us use NSM really well to reach out to users/supporters, but aren't confident using the data. #nsmnss16:30
rachelormston@socialworkkent - I think Graffigna and Bosio have suggested that internet res can promote more candid responses 'cos of anonymity. #NSMNSS16:29
jess1ecatRT @rachelormston: My impression is that when done well, online qual not necessarily cheaper> exactly! #NSMNSS16:29
einterview#NSMNSS Say more- esp. re. ethics of using online data in policy-making?16:29
rachelormston@jess1ecat - My impression is that when done well, online qual not necessarily cheaper - savings on travel might be about it. #NSMNSS16:28
L_C_Holmes@G_Morrell Thanks for the links! #nsmnss16:28
NSMNSS@SocialWorkKent our last seminar was on ethics, some of the outcomes from the seminar are on our blog #NSMNSS16:27
jess1ecat@L_C_Holmes exactly what I meant in relation to A2. we should be working together to learn from one another. #NSMNSS16:27
L_C_Holmes@SocialWorkKent I'd be really interested in any links or references to the ethics articles you've found useful :) #nsmnss16:27
csnelsonbsu@SocialWorkKent Right and our local human subjects boards may not have policies in place. #NSMNSS16:27
iamandyscott@jess1ecat A2. Agreed. Maybe we need to go to them with demonstrable benefits/applications though before we ask for cash? Catch 22? #NSMNSS16:26
jess1ecatA2. I worry it might become popular bec it's seen as cheap & easy not bec it's best tool for the job. It *may* or may not be both! #NSMNSS16:26
einterview#NSMNSS: A1 question- if policy is to impact all, social media input means those w/out access are not heard. How to address?16:26
SocialWorkKent@csnelsonbsu #NSMNSS totally agree I've been reading a number of articles on the ethics of Internet based research, it's still new.16:26
L_C_HolmesHi followers. This evening I am following the @NSMNSS tweet chat over at #nsmnss, hence the tweetstorm :) Join if you're interested!16:24
rachelormston@urbaneprofessor - not to hand, but will find it and send on (if I've not misremembered it!). #NSMNSS16:24
jess1ecatA2. IMHO we need to talk more to those with research funds and explore the limits and potential of soc media together... #NSMNSS16:23
csnelsonbsuA2. What fascinates me is the whole ethics discussion. It will be fascinating to see what policies arise over use of online data. #NSMNSS16:23
einterview#NSMNSS: A1.Natasha- kind of data? Generate theory to impact policy & practice?16:23
G_MorrellA1 @einterview and others, here's a paper on using facebook for exactly that:  #nsmnss16:23
NSMNSSJust a reminder to use #NSMNSS in your reply and the Q. number so we can see and know which Q you're responding too #NSMNSS16:23
NSMNSS@AndyW1509 Hi Andrew. Remember to use the hashtag #NSMNSS so that everyone can see your contribution.16:23
L_C_HolmesA1: Would be good to have support from researchers to improve our approach to studying NSM content of supporters/users/the public #nsmnss16:23
urbaneprofessorRT @YorkConsulting: @urbaneprofessor @jess1ecat Yes but not all on Twitter. Tends to be >24 #nsmnss16:23
urbaneprofessor@rachelormston got link to that? #NSMNSS16:23
L_C_HolmesA1: Not pure research, but my org. uses NSM to engage with our supporters and users, and this informs our policy and practice (cntd) #nsmnss16:22
SocialWorkKent@urbaneprofessor #NSMNSS perhaps purchasing behaviours etc but I was more thinking of presentation of the self.16:22
NSMNSSQ2 How can researchers engage with policy and practice on this issue and vice versa? #NSMNSS16:22
L_C_HolmesA1: My org is a research consumer, we would be keen to see whether+how NSM helps us understand people's attitudes about our issue... #nsmnss16:21
YorkConsulting@urbaneprofessor @jess1ecat Yes but not all on Twitter. Tends to be >24 #nsmnss16:21
NSMNSSGreat discussion so far, thanks everyone. Following on from that then... #NSMNSS16:21
NSMNSSMT â€Å“@AndyW1509:data reveals the underlying social interactions & it is from the impact ...that they'd have that will help”#NSMNSS16:21
rachelormston@urbaneprofessor Yes, that is true. Think @natcen's BSA showed just another means of keeping in touch with same people #NSMNSS16:20
SocialWorkKent#NSMNSS I am currently utilising grounded theory to conduct an Netnographic study of NM so accessing data and participants.16:19
L_C_HolmesSo far, I'd only thought of using NSM to find partcpnts. I've used email + IM for data collection before but not public NSM content. #nsmnss16:19
urbaneprofessor@SocialWorkKent from what I've read on men's and women's behaviours, yup. Little research on other variables #NSMNSS16:19
jess1ecatMT A1 @YorkConsulting.... if anything reaches less as excludes disadvtgd groups> but might reach some who are excluded from F2F? #NSMNSS16:18
urbaneprofessor@YorkConsulting @jess1ecat although smartphones are complicating that picture #NSMNSS16:18
einterview#NSMNSS: A1.Lucy- so finding participants to collect data from, not using posts etc as data?16:17
AndyW1509RT @NSMNSS: @L_C_Holmes hi! great you could join us #NSMNSS16:17
jess1ecat@L_C_Holmes A1 can you say a bit more about that sounds interesting. #NSMNSS16:17
YorkConsulting@urbaneprofessor @jess1ecat if anything reaches less as excludes disadvantaged groups #nsmnss16:16
jess1ecatRT @urbaneprofessor: depends...Makes targeting audiences easier, but you cant expect greater reach just because on web> agreed #NSMNSS16:16
einterview#NSMNSS: A1. Value: social media as MEANS for interacting w/ diverse participants about views on policy & practice16:15
L_C_HolmesA1: Biggest benefit, for me, is accessing networks and research participants. Am interested to see how others use NSM content.. #nsmnss16:15
urbaneprofessor@jess1ecat depends what you're researching! Makes targeting audiences easier, but you can't expect greater reach just because on web #NSMNSS16:15
jess1ecatRT @YorkConsulting: A1. Very fast responses, so can get instant reactions to new policies - I can see that being really attractive! #NSMNSS16:15
SocialWorkKent@urbaneprofessor #NSMNSS perhaps quantitatively but qualitatively are behaviours mirrored?16:14
urbaneprofessor@rachelormston I think they're a unique case. Research I've read says broader networks do match offline ones #NSMNSS16:14
L_C_Holmesii) I am interested in people's engagement with NSM for charitable (etc) reasons.  #nsmnss16:14
NSMNSS@L_C_Holmes hi! great you could join us #NSMNSS16:14
L_C_HolmesMy interest in NSM for my research purposes is behavioural, in terms of i) people engaging with our issue (missing people) and... #nsmnss16:13
csnelsonbsuA1. The online social networks provide information that we might not have access to otherwise. It can offer new perspectives. #NSMNSS16:13
jess1ecat@urbaneprofessor is that a positive or not from a research point of view? Is that what's needed? #NSMNSS16:13
YorkConsultingA1. Very fast responses, so can get instant reactions to new policies #nsmnss16:13
L_C_HolmesHi to #nsmnss Tweet chatters. I'm based at a national charity. Haven't yet used NSM as research data but we use NSM a great deal.. #nsmnss16:13
einterview#NSMNSS: Q1General policy & practice: provide views from diverse BUT connected folks- digital divide still limits input16:13
rachelormston@urbaneprofessor - not necessarily I don't think. Thinking of online support networks - who may never meet offline. #NSMNSS16:13
urbaneprofessorA1. Might be able to add something, but a key issue is that online social networks tend to mirror offline ones #NSMNSS16:11
iamandyscottA1. It's definitely a useful addition to the toolkit, but alongside - not instead of - all our other tried and tested methods #NSMNSS16:11
jess1ecatA1. It adds dialogue & engagement with participants in a way other methods don't always, this may or may not be attractive to them! #NSMNSS16:10
jess1ecatA1. I see it as another set of useful data which may help provide answers to the questions policymakers & practitioners ask research #NSMNSS16:09
AndyW1509RT @jess1ecat: RT @NSMNSS:  Q1 How can social media data help to inform policy and practice?  #NSMNSS16:09
G_MorrellRT @NSMNSS: Q1 How can social media data help to inform policy and practice?  #nsmnss16:09
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS:  Q1 How can social media data help to inform policy and practice?  #NSMNSS16:08
G_MorrellHello - Gareth, one of the network leads @NatCen #NSMNSS #nsmnss16:07
NSMNSSGreat that you've all been able to make it! Our first question is- Q1 How can social media data help to inform policy and practice?  #NSMNSS16:07
jess1ecat@YorkConsulting sounds interesting will be good to hear your experiences. #NSMNSS16:05
NSMNSS@AndyW1509: @NSMNSS Andy Whalley marketing academic at royal holloway. #NSMNSS16:05
YorkConsulting#nsmnss socio-economic researchers. We are beginning to use social media in our evaluations & interested in others' experiences16:04
NSMNSSJust a remind to use #NSMNSS in your reply so everyone can see your tweet and add A1, A2, A3 as you address each question #NSMNSS16:04
jess1ecat@einterview hi Janet *waves*. #NSMNSS16:03
iamandyscottHello! Andy Scott, network member at @NatCen. Think this could add a crucial extra dimension to policy research #nsmnss16:03
jess1ecat@csnelsonbsu welcome nice to see you here. #NSMNSS16:03
einterview#NSMNSS Janet Salmons, qual e-researcher, writer, professor, Boulder, CO. See
csnelsonbsuHi to the Tweet Chat from Boise State. I am studying YouTube vloggers and learning from all of you. #NSMNSS16:02
jess1ecatHi Kandy one of the network leads @NatCen think this topic is really important for applied research to get to grips with. #NSMNSS #NSMNSS16:02
NSMNSSWelcome everyone, please introduce yourself, say where you are & what your interest in this topic is. #NSMNSS #NSMNSS16:00